DIY Bean Bags

I knew I'd eventually get around to typing this post.

The Craft: DIY Bean Bags

What you need:
Fabric scraps
Some beans or rice or bean bag beads (I used black eyed peas and lima beans)
Sewing machine or a needle/thread
For each bean bag, cut out two identical pieces of fabric. Place the right sides of each piece inward so that the inside of the fabric faces out. Line up the pieces and sew together around the edges (I'm not even going to pretend I know what type of stitch I did) using a sewing machine or freehand. Don't forget to leave a small hole for the beans! and to turn your fabric back through.
Gently pull the fabric through the whole and use a pencil to poke out the corners. Fill the bag with beans. I used a funnel for the black eyed peas, but just stuck the lima beans in by hand.
Tuck in the insides of the fabric left near the hole and hand stitch or use your sewing machine to close the hole.