I bought a silicone star ice tray at the $ Tree in July and have been waiting to see what I was going to do with it (it's been filled with ice for oooh, about 2 weeks now).
Last night while making dinner, I popped them into a container and let Sweet P go to town while I made veggie fajitas (yumm-o).

She had a blast with them (and even ate a few).

I gave her a cup and a few other tools to transfer with and away she went.

Such a simple, fun and if you used ice trays you already had...free activity! We talked about how they were stars, but I think she was more excited that they were cold (since it was SO hot yesterday). So go ahead, freeze some water!
PS. This could easily be done outside, but it was too stinkin' hot in Iowa yesterday afternoon (they'd have turned to water in about 2 seconds).